Sunday, June 2, 2024


You must question what you hold to be sacred and learn to let it go.  In a world of change, the idea of sacred holds little relevance.  (I' Ching Hexagram 50)

If assumptions are questioned deeply enough, they let go of themselves.  (Stephen Mitchell, Second Book of the Tao)

Your unquestioned thoughts about life lead you to believe that there is something out of order, and that can never be true. (Byron Katie, A Thousand Names for Joy)

The most difficult thing in the world is to question an assumption you've never consciously made.  How do you even begin to question something that is so normal it's invisible? (Phillip Sheridan, Radical Wholeness)

When a person comes to a teacher with a question, he is actually aware of the two possible answers to it - one is generally the easy way out, with no growth or change involved, and the other is the uneasy answer, the one that causes us to evolve by letting go of some aspect of our habitual identity.  Most of the time, people who seek help do not want to change.  They expect to be taken care of, listened to, confirmed and pampered. (Jodorowsky, The Way of Tarot)

Once again I am repurposing this ancient blog.  If you have come from my Gene Keys Guide page, welcome to the experiment.   Frankly, I have no idea what this blog will become as the experiment unfolds.  More than likely, more of the same.  In other words, just randomly posting when it feels right and, just as important, I feel I have something to say.

Feel free to browse through previous posts here - it may help to gain some insight into my world at the time of those posts years ago.  Once thing that will be noticeable to some is that there is a lot of Human Design languaging.   I don't know how much of that will carry through new writings.  But the knowledge still has a lot of validity and value even if I rarely talk or study Design.  A lot of it has been embodied and/or synthesized.  But the languaging is still the clearest for me to communicate certain concepts.  I can say the same for Gene Keys.  What will be most important is that whatever I have to say in the coming days, I don't want to get bogged down in or reflect the concepts in a mental framework.  

For those of you that may have read this work before, the experiment I am referring to above is that I have offered my services as a Gene Key Guide to answer questions.   I have found in my own journey that certain questions can create a stuck point in progress.  This might or might not be obvious.  In the early days of Design or Keys, this often was around a technical term.  In this case, I was aware of what was causing the stuckness.  But sometimes we aren't aware of what the stuck point is.  In these systems, it often revolved around interpreting a word or phrase in the way they are commonly used.  Often in my case it would be years before the meaning finally clicked to another perspective of the term.  

Perspective is another hinge point that can suddenly move you up the spiral.   In this case, a question can lead to a change in perspective, however slight, that triggers an avalanche of insight or a sudden dismantling of years of conditioned perspective when a foundational idea is questioned.

It is important to me though to point out that I am not coming into this from a Master or even a Teacher aspect.  I will only be able to give you a perspective on your questions, asked or not, that comes through my own design and my own experience in this grand experiment.